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Changing Times

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 7:24 am
by Ravinsomniac
Back in the 1950's people respected Police. If a Cop told you to stop doing something, you would. Today's kids grow up without discipline, they are spoiled rotten because the parents let them do whatever they want. So now, Protesting becomes violent and the Police have to take stronger measures because these spoiled kids won't back down. Lately you are seeing Police getting fired or quitting their jobs in fear of getting arrested themselves. So, don't be surprised when you dial 911 on the phone and hear, "Thank you for calling 911, this number has been disconnected because of potential Lawsuits. All of you are now on your own. Have a Nice Day"

Re: Changing Times

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2020 7:43 am
by Puff
I can hear the 911 dispatcher field a call like this:

"Sir, I understand that someone is armed and
breaking into your house. We are currently
sending you our prayers for all to be safe.
Have a nice day."
:rofl: :hello: :lol: :nanner: :popcorn:

Re: Changing Times

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2020 11:36 am
by carburetormike
Hi All, Let me first say, What happened to George was truly tragic and wrong for sure. And the only way to get it resolved is understanding and a willingness of everyone regardless of race to come together and working it out. This us vs them will only make it worse.

First off Don't brake the LAWS. Then the Police wont be called. If they do come, Just comply politely. Problem solved. Along with removing the Thug like officers from the forces. We still need the The GOOD Police officers.

Here's some food for thought.