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Stepped On My D!ck Again

Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 2:32 pm
by Carl La Fong
Well, it seem that I've upset the crybabies over at the Nancy Boy site again. I'm just devastated that there are a few (well, more than a few) internet tough guys, whiners and general jackwads that don't like me or my comments. I think, with time and, perhaps, counseling I may be able to get past this crisis. One, in particular, has been a thorn in my side since the beginning. He doesn't enjoy the fact that I see him for what he is and he has no legs to stand on in his own defense. Every post that I make is met with an ad hominem attack on me rather than the issue at hand.

It is said that when a wise man points at the moon, the fool examines his finger.

I may not be a wise man, but the world is full of fools who can describe my finger in detail

Rant over.......................for now

Re: Stepped On My D!ck Again

Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 5:49 pm
by Carl La Fong
It's reaching critical mass. I see the end and it is very close. I now remember why I left and for the life of me cannot figure out why I returned. Masochistic, I guess. I just can't stand about half a dozen of the asshats over there. One is a racist jackoff who still uses tired terms like "hater" and "swing a leg", and has his head so far up his own ass that he is delirious from the lack of oxygen. He has no opinions of his own and chooses, instead, to attack those that do. BTW, having an opinion is classified as being a bully in his small world. When you read this, and I know you will, the offer, that was made in my deleted post, is still open. If you're ever in SoCal, look me up. We'll settle this once and for all, you sniveling fag.

Another discovered the term, "KoolAid Drinker" a while back and delights in hauling it out whenever he wants to go into his hilarious, slapstick comedy routine. Sorry Queenie, it ain't funny. Tell your writers you need some fresh material. Talk about drinking the KoolAid, everything in V-8 Land must be perfect so no discussion of any faults or obvious problems are needed. Listening to 6 or 7 years worth of limp dick excuses and outright lies and then buying it!?!? How does that KoolAid taste?? I don't think it's KoolAid you're swallowing. Maybe something a little thicker and creamier.

Either one of these buffoons has the capability of engaging me in a civil, intelligent discussion, so they, simply, take the low road and call me a bully, a KoolAid drinker or a backslapper.

How's this KoolAid taste?
BHs are the original V8 bikes and will always be the most popular and well know. They are a very nice ride. They do have some faults but, overall, they are the best bike for daily and long distance rides.
V8 Choppers are very well build and the customer service is second to none. They are, at least the two wheeler, more suited to day rides though. If your tough, I'm sure they will go the distance as well as the rest
Vanquish is the toy for the upper 1 or 2%. Too rich for most, but the fit and finish, as well as the Powerglide make it the best, price not withstanding
Saberteeth (Sabertoofuses??) are the bike that could give Stan a run for his money and siphon off potential Vanquish riders who are a bit tentative about dropping 100K+ on a motorcycle. That is, if they ever get into production. I have never seen one, but they seem to be nice bikes. I like the radiator shape.

So, for a KoolAid drinker, I am remarkably broad in my likes. I think every one of the 4 bikes could use some changes. Some are very minor, like a drain petcock. Some, I don't care for the looks, but I will remain silent since looks are subjective but, in all honesty, I'd be happy with any of them in my garage.

Carl La Pissed

Re: Stepped On My D!ck Again

Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 7:29 pm
by Iron Maiden
Can't blame you for getting pissed! Forums are all about members stating their opinions and sharing knowledge. There are least two sides to every conversation and we are all entitled to speak our mind without risking personal attacks. I personally like to read what others have to say-I take it all in and make my own opinion. It's just wrong for posts to be deleted just for people stating their opinions!! :banghead:

Re: Stepped On My D!ck Again

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 11:55 am
by Carl La Fong
It's getting ugly over there again. King Adrian is wearing out his finger, deleting posts and threads in an attempt to wrest control of the board away from the invading heathens, Carl La Fong and SQ4MM as we continue to post the truth to the KoolAid drinking sycophants.
King Adrian made a slanderous remark about me, which was a total and completely fabricated, filthy, lie. He did delete it, but the damage was done. It is clear that he and his toadies will stoop to anything to discredit me or to make me look foolish. I am not being paranoid. I might be insane, but I am still rational.
I cannot understand, for the life of me, why the majority of the board doesn't come over here. The brownnosers can remain there, in their homosexual daisy chain, if they want. They can't go a day or two without nursing at Adrian's ample bosom. Men, who want to talk about bikes, whiskey, whores and look at boobies can come here. We can argue and make up, like guys do or hate each other, as guys do. Either way, we can behave as adults without pompous, lying, self righteous moderators poring over every word and sending notes, pinned to our shirts, home to mommy. There are some really good guys over there as well as a bunch of posers with big wallets and bigger mouths. I am not jealous of those with money, but for some, money is all that they have.
Come on guys, it's nice over here. The water is warm, the beer is cold and it's always clear skies and 75 degrees. No speed limit and the cops all have flat tires

Re: Stepped On My D!ck Again

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 2:02 pm
by V8 Perv
Totally agree with everything you said Carl La Pissed.

As far as King Adrian how can a guy compete with a
dictator who can delete or modify posts to suit his agenda?

I will have to give Clint credit for having the balls to bring
back that thread and attempt to straighten it out.

The .com site will continue to fail so will hope more come on over here where we still have free speech.

Re: Stepped On My D!ck Again

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 4:19 pm
by Carl La Fong
Absolutely correct. For a Pervert, you are remarkably astute. :rofl:
The degree of ;bullshit: that takes place over there is beyond absurd. As I have made abundantly clear, the current chief moderator is an arrogant, petulant, punitive, jackass. The two butt buddies, who actually started the whole fracas were finally exposed by Clint as the real fomenters of all the discord. They thought that they had won the battle with the Invincible La Fong but, instead, their true colors have been revealed to the rest of the board. Now, I am not so naive to think that everyone will leave, en masse, and come over here. Many are like 35 year olds that still live at home and sleep on Spiderman sheets. The outside world is just too scary and Mommy makes them Mickey Mouse pancakes for breakfast. Some, like the two buddies, are permanently joined in a lip to glans embrace and only stop long enough to congratulate each other on their stunning coolness or to make the same tired KoolAid comment.
As an example of why anyone should come here to play, consider this. I have made some pretty harsh remarks and have named names. Nobody had edited, deleted or PMed me to say that I'm a bit out of line. In reality, I deserve some chastisement, but we're big boys here and we are allowed to duke it out until it gets too nasty. Over there, you're not allowed to have an opinion, unless it is pre approved. There is only one way to do any repair or modification and God help you if you criticize any of the factories, except V8 Chopper, who build bikes for KoolAid drinkers, rips off their most valuable customers and houses a hidden Al Queda cell

Re: Stepped On My D!ck Again

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 7:54 pm
by randy burkey
I think it's time for a change.. Hope you don't mind...Besides you guys have better looking "boobs" here! Randy

Re: Stepped On My D!ck Again

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 1:01 am
by Carl La Fong
Welcome to the dark side Randy. You are one of are one of us
Yeah, the boobs on the other site are not nearly as attractive

Re: Stepped On My D!ck Again

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 10:14 am
by V8 Perv
Welcome to this site Randy! Be sure to check out the Friday titty pics as they are always a winner. They are Pervert approved.

Re: Stepped On My D!ck Again

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 11:47 am
by Iron Maiden
Welcome Randy - you can find all sorts of jokes, pics, (including Friday Titty Pics) and non V8 topics in the "Anything Goes" Forum. This is definitely a " Not Work Safe" Forum -Open at your own risk. Feel free to contribute ;)

Re: Stepped On My D!ck Again

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 4:09 pm
by SQ4MN
Now that Clint is gone my posts will be on thin ice. Adrian doesn't like me either. My bitch with Adrian is that he took and takes credit for rebuilding the transmissions. In reality he still can't put one together correctly although most think he can. Tommy Chadwell was the guy that put the ones together that worked and Adrian knows it but never says it. Tommy didn't give a shit if Adrian took the credit but it always has pissed me off.