Is the Swine Flu that big of a threat?

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Is the Swine Flu that big of a threat?

Post by carburetormike »

Maybe we should investigate that for ourselves and make up our own minds. From what I,ve seen and heard, Is that it's just a flu. I talked with someone who's daughter had the H1N1. Two days of fever and then she is just fine.

So why is the media making a big Deal over it. Why is one State making the vaccine mandatory by law if deemed a pandemic? At least for me, Something doesn't smell right at all. Maybe there is something in that cool-aid(shot). So I'm not drinking it.

I'll let nature, healthy eating and my body fight it, --- If I happen to get it.

Swine Flu Vaccine, Investigate before you get the shot.

Respectfully Yours, Michael A. Levesque
AKA " Carburetor Mike "
President Boss Hoss Riders Association
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