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coolant leak ?

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2016 12:07 pm
by knockdolian
Hi all, hope you all had a good christmas. Ok the problem. Ever since ive had the trike iv had to top up the radiator from time to time. I assumed this was normal as it would spill from the overflow pipe when hot. Over christnas I fitted an expansion tank. Every morning its empty ? There is no oil sludge in the rad and no sign of water in the oil. The radiator doesnt pressurise on start up. Its running fine so I dont suspect a head gasket. There is no coolant on the floor. Ive read intake manifold gaskets can leak but im loosing a lot of coolant. The expansion pot is .5Lt and thats empty. If it was leaking in to a pot id expect hydro lock. Next plan is to pressurise the system and see if that shows anything. Any ideas ?
ps, does anyone know where I can get a rad cap to fit a valve to. Anyone got an old one lying around

Re: coolant leak ?

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2016 4:46 pm
by Paul H
Expansion tank??? That's the way it's suppose
to work. During running the engine the coolent
expands, (into your "POT"), when it cools down
that coolent is sucked back into the rad. Can you
check the pot during running to see that coolent
has flowed into it from the bad. expansion???

Paul H

Re: coolant leak ?

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2016 5:10 pm
by knockdolian
Paul , I think this has been lost in translation. By pot I mean engine cylinder. If coolant was leaking in to a cylinder. I fully understand how the cooling system works. I fitted anexpansion tank because I kept topping the radiator up. If I start with a full cooling system and a half filled expansion tank the tank shouldnt run dry. Mine is ? I am loosing coolant but dont know where its going.
ill have another look tomorrow

Re: coolant leak ?

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2016 9:10 pm
by Paul H
Translation error, on me. I was thinking that you were calling the newly installed tank a pot. Next time you
ride it, park it over some news paper. Might make finding
a leak easier.

Paul H

Re: coolant leak ?

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2016 11:04 pm
by Imzz4
When you say it spills from the overflow pipe when hot, what temp is the gauge showing during that ? Does it happen a lot ? Do you think the gauge reading is accurate ? You could check all the related connections and grounds for it along with the sender. Have you looked closely at the cap , and the seat area, or tried replacing it ? Any chance the wrong intake gaskets were put on at one time and the water circulation path is not right ? When you remove the return hose to the radiator , see how long it takes to fill a gallon container just running the water pump. It should be close to the pump specs. If you are always adding water and its positively not leaking anywhere externally, and the oil is always clean, then its going out the exhaust. If thats the case then a head gasket or a crack might be your trouble. Hope not , but you'll find whats going on. :thumbup: