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Carl La Fong
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Post by Carl La Fong »

Saturday was a day that didn't go exactly as planned. I was riding with a group of guys to a funeral for an old Hells Angel. Squirm was following on his Chopper. As we all got to the cemetery, we wondered, "Where's Dave?". Someone told us he broke down. So, I went back and found him with a busted throttle cable. A kid, that lived across the street, and rode a BSA, brought over a box of cables. None would work. Too short, too fat, wrong ends, you name it. After 3 trips to the HD shop and finally a bicycle shop, Dave and his buddy returned with a 10 speed cable. After monkeying with it, we finally got it to work. A 5 minute, 3 hour job. Missed the funeral and the gathering afterwards. So we went for Mexican food and then I headed home. About 10 miles from the house, I hear a noise. I was going down hill on the I-5 and thought, for a moment, that it was a trucks Jake Brake. I realized it was me. It was an odd rhythmic sound that started a 45 mph and got louder, the faster I went. I took surface streets the rest of the way home. It was dark, but I couldn't find anything loose or amiss. Today, I took a closer look. My front tire had a flap of rubber that came loose. The entire tire was showing signs of tread separation and cracking. I have, maybe 5-6000 miles on it. It was a Metzler rear tire, mounted backwards as per internet wisdom. I feel the whole backwards thing is a crock. A rear tire is subjected to stress because of acceleration and braking, so the idea of running it in the wrong direction doesn't seem to hold water. I talked to a tire guy today and he said to bring it in and he'll mount up a proper front tire that is rated for the bike and we won't worry about all the bass ackwards nonsense
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Re: Noise

Post by SQ4MN »

Glad you found it. Nothing beats a little light to be able to see things. I guess that means you'll be going on the ride with us Saturday.

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Re: Noise

Post by Carl La Fong »

Saturday, no problem.
I'm sure this is where we're going
Let me know where and when to meet
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Re: Noise

Post by CanuckHoss »

Glad you guys fixed or are getting fixed.

I may have posted this before but a quick 5 minute fix for a throttle cable that breaks at the top knurl is to take the 90 degree fitting out of the bottom of the throttle housing...take the cable that is sticking out and zip tie it to the grip..TIGHT!! works very well to get you home..

Speaking of internet stuff and forums...a freind's wife belongs to a woman riders forum and the talk there is that you should never under any circumstances use your front brake..WTF?? there is more than 1 person agreeing and they have husbands, so they say, that also oh man!!

Barry Radu, President Destination Cycles

ImageAirdrie, Alberta Canada

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