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Re: Canuck down and out for a while

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 1:44 am
by petitemoose
I have always been a firm believer that Pain only has the power you give it. Some days it is really tough to not let it get the best of me but I refuse to let it rule my life. Of course I am awake at 2:30 am because it woke me up but I will make the best of it and do some late night Surfing and maybe even do some damage to the Ice Cream in the Freezer :)

Re: Canuck down and out for a while

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 8:17 pm
by Clint44
Damn,Barry. I sure hope you and Gwen are getting better. Getting older is not for pussies,that's for sure.

Re: Canuck down and out for a while

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 10:40 pm
by CanuckHoss
Clint44 wrote:Damn,Barry. I sure hope you and Gwen are getting better. Getting older is not for pussies,that's for sure.
Very true Clint...had Gwen been 100% this sure would have been a whole lot easier mentally and physically.

It kind of gives me a glimpse into where each of us never wants to be permanently...not living just surviving day to day.

I think I am doing pretty good overall and will come out of this with an even bigger appreciation for life and all the things I can do and places I can go.

Re: Canuck down and out for a while

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 2:26 pm
by Clint44
Sherry and I have had some pretty serious health issues over the last couple of years so I certainly understand,Barry.

We're both doing a lot better now. I retired from PPG yesterday so now she and I can have more time,together.

Re: Canuck down and out for a while

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2015 1:17 pm
by CanuckHoss the stairs were conquered WITHOUT crutches!! Almost 3 weeks but got er done! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!

And movement is low but pain is almost zero...on the mend for sure. Just have to be real creative when grocery shopping as no heavy lifting...nothing above 20 lbs for another 4 weeks...I am being extra cautious and going nothing above 10 lbs....

Re: Canuck down and out for a while

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2015 2:47 pm
by Swiss V8
Great news Barry! :thumbup: :yourock:

If you would live nearby I would pick you up and go shopping with you. :gaysmiley:

Just take it slowly, step by step.
At the end you're up and running again! :mrgreen:

Re: Canuck down and out for a while

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2015 3:58 pm
by CanuckHoss
Swiss V8 wrote:Great news Barry! :thumbup: :yourock:

If you would live nearby I would pick you up and go shopping with you. :gaysmiley:

Just take it slowly, step by step.
At the end you're up and running again! :mrgreen:

HAHAHA thanks Martin...we would have a blast shopping 2 V8 Bikers!!!

Have a great day!

Re: Canuck down and out for a while

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2015 5:44 pm
by Puff

Glad things are on the up-and-up !
Don't lift anything much !
Let it all heal up strong !


Re: Canuck down and out for a while

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2015 5:53 pm
by CanuckHoss
Puff wrote:Barry,

Glad things are on the up-and-up !
Don't lift anything much !
Let it all heal up strong !

Absolutely Bill...made that mistake 20 some years ago with the Big "V"...was doing really good till I overdid it about 10 days after surgery....then I was wayyy worse than I started out.

I "HAVE" to be 100% for around the end of February for Daytona Bike Week.....

Re: Canuck down and out for a while

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 11:40 am
by CanuckHoss
Quick update...

On the mend...almost 4 weeks...feel kind of normal..I am really careful as I do NOT want any setbacks. Just have to not lift over 20 lbs for the next 3 short term memory is getting better too...I guess the anesthetics fuck with that...Gwen has had a few good laughs at how easily I forget sometimes 2 seconds later it is gone...I may milk that a

Re: Canuck down and out for a while

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 12:13 pm
by V8Bikers
That's great news Barry!. Glad you are getting better and hope Gwen is progressing as well.

Re: Canuck down and out for a while

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 12:37 pm
by CanuckHoss
V8Bikers wrote:That's great news Barry!. Glad you are getting better and hope Gwen is progressing as well.

Thanks Bill...yes...Gwen is still going in the right direction...slow but sure...

Re: Canuck down and out for a while

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 5:30 pm
by Buck
ready for this....a relapse. This past Monday I stumbled walking down the stairs but did not fall, just came down real hard on my right heel with 3 jolts of pain running up and down my right leg. I proceeded on w/ my normal routine. My Dr. told me the week prior that my recovery was absolutely remarkable (an exact quote). Very long story short, I can not walk from the pain, I have had to go to 2 different hospitals, have 2 MRI's, an x-ray and an ultrasound procedure. I have had to call an ambulance twice. Anytime I move around w/ a walker Susan must be immediately behind me w/ a chair so I can sit to relieve the pain. Pain meds do not do anything for me. When I left the last hospital (all stays have been for 8 hours) I was given a morphine dose that was 4 times stronger than the norm and it did nothing. While in the waiting room for an MRI, the staff just closed up for the day. At the same hospital I had a stat order for an ultrasound, which means do it right now damn it! That procedure was initiated 2 hours later. There is a possibility that I severely tore some soft tissue and the consequent swelling is pressing against the sciatic nerve. While in the hospitals it took 3 orderlies to move me in and out of a wheel chair onto the MRI and x-ray table. I think that is indeed the problem, I'm looking at an extended recovery. Bike Week is not definitely certain at this juncture.
Now for me to suck it up.

Re: Canuck down and out for a while

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 5:45 pm
by CanuckHoss
DAMMIT Buck...that is unreal news and unfortunate.

We are pretty sure that my injury following surgery on the stairs at home was the sciatica also...fucking pain for massage therapist knows her shit and that is what she was telling me..

We pray for your recovery and I hope and pray that you get to BikeWeek which you and Susan enjoy so much...

Re: Canuck down and out for a while

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 10:24 pm
by SQ4MN

Re: Canuck down and out for a while

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 7:12 am
by hogv8
Good luck Buck with your recovery . Siatica although painful can be short term . Hope yours works out this way .

Re: Canuck down and out for a while

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 11:57 am
by GordonBH
Good luck Buck, back/sciatica is teh most painful pain imaginable, literally can take your breath away!

Heal fast buddy.

Re: Canuck down and out for a while

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 2:09 pm
by Buck
thanks for the kind thoughts guys, sciatic nerve damage is a self diagnosis. The best guess from my spinal surgeon, his PA and 4 other doctors is that I really tore up some soft tissue which is swollen and is pressing against that damn nerve. Today is a little better, hey, one small step .........
Everyone have a great Xmas.