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I'm Back...

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 3:33 pm
by Els
Hey Gents...and any Ladies out there,

I self inflicted my not posting on the "other" board today. It appears one of the moderators and I just don't see eye to eye and I'm a bit upside down with the self righteous BS. Censoring, moving posts and threads, and arbitrary treatment of some versus others. This is not by the way, the result of the boards owner, DK.

Unfortunately, it was suggested that one should come here if they have a limited vocabulary or enjoy vulgarity. I don't have any love for profanity in spite of using it whenever I think appropriate. I've always liked this board and my reasons for leaving for awhile have softened.

Sorry I'm not able to figure out how to move my last post there, here so it would clearly explain things and my desire to not use that board. Anyone able to transfer a post, please feel free to do so with my thanks.

Anyhow, hello to anyone "here" I may have missed while "there".


P.S. Well, no need to move my post as suggested. It's been vaporized.

Re: I'm Back...

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 7:45 pm
by Toastie

WB, Elliot

No kidding on the vaporization.
You know what, I had read that forum for a long time before I joined.
I always like to say what I have to say. In my opinion, I never seen anything bad there before. It confuses me some times why things get killed.
One thing I do know is, things said do get deleted.
Now I wonder if I said something wrong about talking about my HD on a V8 site.
By the way, thats not why Im selling my bike. LOL LOL
I sure got a hankerin for either a chopper or a vanquish tho'.

Re: I'm Back...

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 7:54 pm
by V8 Perv
Elliot, Since you have such a limited vocabulary and little knowledge
of V-8 bikes why would anyone want you as a member of the board?

That was some of the funniest shit I have read in a long while. :twisted:
And if thats too adult for that site I say fuck em! I rarely post on that site
as it has become a complete joke.

Re: I'm Back...

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 7:56 pm
by carburetormike
Hi Elliot, Welcome back ! !

I just got home to see what was on the Moderator Thread, I made a post and then there was a few requests for more V8 Bike and Trike pictures when I left. Like I said I just got home to check it, But it's gone.

For as long as I've been involved with these sites, The place people flock to is the site they feel the most comfortable with. Censorship creates discomfort. And we've seen what happens next.

Well, Something must have been posted after Clints Trike picture request that wasn't politically correct. I sure would have enjoyed reading it anyway.

Carby Mike

PS I check both sites everyday anyway. Cuse I'm big enough to handle the language, and smart enough to not be offended by it.

Re: I'm Back...

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 8:23 pm
by Els
Hey guys, good to be back here. It's more comfy for me and it's a great group...I just wish it got the readership numbers and activity the other site gets. Perhaps with time. Then perhaps it's not how much or how many but rather the content.

Ron, I yam what I yam. I'm in good company hanging with you ;) . Always felt bikers should have a license to go beyond where the average school marm goes. Adrian is going to do what he feels he needs to do and so am I. Not a big deal and thankfully there's a place for us low life, scum sucking, vulgar types.

Mike, you really didn't miss much. Wild Bill joined in basically saying; WTF is with moving threads and giving examples of how other non bike related "stuff" doesn't get moved so why did this. He made very good points and they weren't well answered in the come back. I then just got set off about the moving threads, deletions, editing of words like "a$$", etc. I also raised hell because the owner of the site, DK, came on and made very respectful, intuitive comments whereas one of the moderators was condensending and totally off the mark in my opinion. Not to mention Paul being an asshole with what I read into his post. I then open my mouth via wearing feelings on my sleeve and to the keyboard which really gets things heated up. I like your comment about being big enough and smart enough. I wish the moderators of the other board were the same.

I don't want to start any war or foster bad feelings so it's best to just bail as I've done in the past. There's a few too many (.)< in the V8 community and a few from that board were getting under my skin.

Although Clint's comment at first hit me wrong, he was perhaps right that it's not a big deal and let's move on. I did.


Re: I'm Back...

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 10:40 pm
by SQ4MN
Hi you guys, I had to let my big mouth get in on the other post and I think that might have been the final straw. I was deleted along with Els. Its the second time in a month for me so I am getting used to it. I think I'll have some 2%ER patches made that you can only get by being deleted from the site. I don't even have to use profanity, just my opinion gets me deleted. Dave

Re: I'm Back...

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 10:43 pm
by SRF
Looks like I must have missed some entertainment today. There are plenty of people here to have great bike related threads just gotta get them started. I don't seem to post much on any sites lately winter has began to hit so not much new to talk about.


Re: I'm Back...

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 11:13 pm
by Ric
What shockes the BVD's right off me, is some of those deletions... are from people we know and care for! I've been cited for having 'questionable content' in some of my posts. In the past the curators of the older version of the 'other site'... always PM'd me, and asked me to delete, or modify and at least gave their reasons for it. I always accomodated. I have had some of my comments deleted on the new 'other site'... but never really got the message as to why?

For the most part, I don't view my thoughts or comments that could be 'sensitive' to most people... and willingly monitor my language and ideals, in a fair 'get along with everyone' format. Even in real life. (Yeah, this place is sureal at best!)... but it's a fun place to be.

I usually check both sites each day... and found THIS site pretty dead in the last two weeks. Maybe now that the 'Thought Police' has gotten control over the 'other site'... we might see more activity here?

I understood that I could NEVER post all of my cartoons on the 'other site'... because of language, or inuendo... I respect their thoughts on that. I always had to think a little harder, before I posted a cartoon in response to some of the context others said... Sometimes they loose something, when I 'instantly pick up the pencil and bash out a 'toon... when I have to look it over, think about it... second guess it... and sometimes I just say 'fuggit... ain't worth the effort...' in fear I might 'bother' someone with an inuendo... or worse... the word a$$.

V-8 motorcycle people are the most unique, and wonderful individuals that I've known. We set a standard of 'revival of youth' But we have the ability to apply 'wisdom' as well. Friendship tend to be more valuable as we enter our 'crusty years'. And a V-8 bike website tends to get us hooligans together. And it's a sad, yet shocking surprise... that we need to 'Police the thoughts and content' of senior adults! Is this a sign of the times? Yikes! I sure hope not!

Re: I'm Back...

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 12:04 am
by CanuckHoss

I am here with you also...I may follow the other board but I will think twice about posting for sure.

One of the moderators had an issue with a post I made in his serious thread...seems humor is only allowed if they do it ,which they did. My post was humorous, but not malicoius towards anyone at all... but I was told it was disrespectful.

After some PM's to me I finally deleted my words and then the post was deleted by someone.

Seems people get really excited about nothing and want to nit pick..Maybe a sign of the rough economic times when friend start picking on friends???.

Oh well..

Re: I'm Back...

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 3:28 am
by KrautV8
Hi Elliot,

I have read the "to the moderators" subject before I went to bed yesterday and I'm glad you are back.

Welcome home buddy, and feel free to say what you want. 8-)


Re: I'm Back...

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 5:55 am
by Els
Great seeing some folks here for the first time or coming here after not being here much or of course the ol' farts (like Olaf!) who are always here! It really is a great site and just flat out comfortable not to have to waste mental resources wondering or worrying about how you're going to piss someone off, get edited, or upset someone who's got a bone up their ASS.

Everything mentioned is here true and right on. I really hope to see more folks post here...and whatever they want to express knowing it flies. Just like the old old days when if someone said something that got someone else sideways, the members could spank you...or not!

It's an infringement on me personally as an adult, as a biker, and a V8 biker at that, that I'm going to have content judged, edited, deleted, etc because a moderator doesn't see eye to eye with me. I'm also the first to say that it's ok to do that on the other site and anyone going there now knows what the consequences are and shouldn't carp about it knowing it's fair game to get that treatment. This doesn't mean I won't occasionally read what's going on as there are some good eggs there and good info...but I'm done posting.

Please encourage your contacts to come here and say hello, chime in, do cartoons, bad jokes, pics, etc. The founders and admin folks of this site have it glued together and no character issues, insecurities or hang ups it appears.

Thanks again for your comments suggesting I'm not the only one who had some issues and was pissed at what I perceived as heavy handed tactics on the other board. It got to the point with me that if was to say "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Hanukah" I'd get scolded for being politically incorrect. Sound familiar? I've had all of that crap I'm able to stand.


Re: I'm Back...

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 10:16 am
by Els

Some interesting history there. I go back quite a ways to the first website although somewhat of a lurker at first. I get a real chuckle hearing V8eyedoc (Ken) was used as a moderator! Whoa, talk about the fox guarding the chicken coop........ :shock:

Ken takes 1st prize when it came to V8 website contraversy. It was interesting spectator sport though, ha ha. I was perhaps his staunchest defender. He's become 100% serious these days. No fun anymore.

That may be your feelings about PM's but most don't share that philosphy Mike. I personally take for granted that when I send a PM, there's emphasis on the "P" which in my book means personal or private. Thanks for the heads up though. No PM's to you! ;)

I was aware of much of the history. It varies according to who tells it but I personally support your version.

You are perhaps right saying "there is no such thing as free speech" with respect to these boards. Although I'm a strong supporter of it, I too have thought stuff to be over the top and bitched. I guess it's a matter of degree with anyone and in my case, my level of degree of what is vulgar or what should be moved or censored is far broader than that of the moderators on the other board. Those who don't give a damn about that can be comfy there, pervs like me and Ron are more comfy here. All's well.

I'm most in agreement that this site is very cool and I'm personally thankful to those that created it, maintain it, and allow us to use it. The pay sucks but it is not thankless. Very much appreciated on this end.

Thanks for the history Mike. Hate hearing a lot of it as it sounds like there were too many broken promises and lots of small thinking.


Re: I'm Back...

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 10:27 am
by Steve Taylor
Great to see you back Elliot, I really enjoy the site especially the friendly way it's run and hope to meet up with some of you soon, Steve.

Re: I'm Back...

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 12:16 pm
by Els
W1LDMAN wrote:I will take your advice to heart and try to improve myself with your experience. Thanks for the years of friendship and your wise words. WM



Whatever you do, DO NOT take my advise or consider my words that of words of wisdom! Very few stay in as deep a hole or hot water than me!

I'm going to try and encourage more of the buds "over there" or ones who just don't use forums much to show up here. It just feels right knowing everything's cool without my constantly rewriting, editing my own stuff, or agonizing to be politically correct.

The one thing I was going to say in a previous post but forgot was related to much of the reasoning behind going to the other site and doing very little here. It is the same reason many will stay on the other site without coming here. Has nothing to do with content, members or such but rather the bother of going to various sites. I know, many can visit a dozen sites and it's no sweat but personally, I found it redundant and I was forgetting what I put where or where I read something and it was simply easier doing one or the other. When it came to important stuff like rally news or whatever, it seemed to appear both places. Anyhow, not important but it seems that I prefer being more of the "one site type".

Olaf, Steve, whoever I missed...good being back here. Thanks for the warm welcome...


Re: I'm Back...

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 12:54 pm
by Redtro
Ain't love grand!!! All is right with the world again! Image

Re: I'm Back...

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 1:05 pm
by Els
Redtro wrote:Ain't love grand!!! All is right with the world again! Image

Ricky, I'm still wiping tears from me eyes with that one. There's funny and then there's FUNNY :lol: !!!

I will have to tell you though.... (.)< ....for not getting me a better looking dance partner! She's butt ugly :shock: !


Re: I'm Back...

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 1:13 pm
by Redtro
Dang...they can sing ALSO!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS ALL!!

Re: I'm Back...

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 1:27 pm
Redtro wrote:Dang...they can sing ALSO!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS ALL!!
Thanks Ricky!!!!Those are the best x-mas vids ever!!!! 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) :lol:

And warm season greetings from Fucking Frozen Finland to all our members around the Clobe!!!!!

Re: I'm Back...

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 6:46 pm
by Elvis
Els wrote:Ken takes 1st prize when it came to V8 website contraversy. Els
I miss the Swans.:)

Re: I'm Back...

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 7:45 pm
by Els
Elvis wrote:
Els wrote:Ken takes 1st prize when it came to V8 website contraversy. Els
I miss the Swans.:)


Your memory is very good. Better than mine for sure. I vaguely remember the association between V8eyedoc and the swans but forget the specifics. If able, jog my memory so I can stroll down Memory Lane!

I clearly remember his winter project one year do a complete rewire on his BH. He bought a new wiring harness and it wasn't the same as the one in his bike. If memory serves me correct :?: I believe he had a '98 model. I believe he still has it but also has a Wing and perhaps a crotch rocket. Much of his recent riding is doing the PGR thing.


Re: I'm Back...

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 7:53 pm
by CanuckHoss
I for one know it is a relief to be able to post here and not have someone come down on you for petty shit..

Re: I'm Back...

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 9:46 pm
by carburetormike
I remember how pissed Old Kenny got, when I " photo shopped " bullet holes and blood all over those Swans and replaced his original on the Home page. Hee Hee Those where the days of many laughs on the v8cyclesgroup. The V8eyedoc took it pretty well. And he kept us updated about his wild pets, when they returned the next spring.

You know if we keep talking about Old Kenny. He may post once again.

Carby Mike

Re: I'm Back...

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 7:43 am
by Els
That's it, now I remember Mike! That is just too funny! :lol: :lol: :lol:


Re: I'm Back...

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 8:09 am
by Tom
I`m here too.... I, like a lot of us check both sites daily but post more on the other board just due to the higher volume over there. You all know Adrian is my pal so I won`t take sides other than to say I understand the frustration of being censored... I don`t get my panties in a bunch over much in life and will continue to read both sites. I do however value all my V8 biker buddies so I will try to post more here as well.

Re: I'm Back...

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 8:17 am
by Redtro
Sorry to get off-track a little...but Tom, did you go on your 2000 mile ride yet? How was it? Did I miss a post somewhere?